Sunday, October 27, 2013

Anklet for a Princess: a Cinderella Story from India
Lila Mehta
Shen’s Books, 2002

Suggested Delivery: Whole Class Read

Reading Level:
·      Grade Level: 4th  - 5th grade
Key Words:
1.      Culture
2.      Cinderella
3.      Fairytale
4.      India
5.      Step-mother
Summary: A modern take on the classic fairytale, Cinderella, Anklet for a Princess follows Cinduri as she works tirelessly for her stepmother and stepsisters. As a ball with a prince approaches, Cinduri and her Godfather Snake use magic to allow her to go without being caught by her relatives. Will she meet the man of her dreams and fall in love?
Vocabulary: rippling, cholera, tantalizing, aarti lamp, marquee, maiden
Before: Students will have a discussion on the genre of fairy tales.
·         What are their elements?
o   Good/evil characters
o   Plo
o   Setting
·         What are some examples of fairy tales we have already read?
o   Cinderella
§  Good Characters: Cinderella, Fairy godmother
§  Bad Characters: Stepmother, stepsisters
§  Plot: Cinderella must get to the ball to meet the Prince of her dreams, without being caught by her step-relatives.
§  Setting: In a village

During: Students will create a Venn Diagram comparing elements of this fairy tale with those of the more well-known version of Cinderella.
·         Examples of important differences:
o   Types of chores
o   How stepmother came to be in charge of Cinduri
o   Item that belongs to Cinderella/Cinduri (anklet)

After: Students will have a discussion on culture.
·         What is culture?
o   A way of life
·         Students will make a t-chart comparing American and Indian culture using examples found in the text:
o   Examples of Indian culture:
§  Multiple wives
§  Food (rice, lentils)
§  Snake symbolism
§  Attire: anklet vs. glass slipper

Writing: Research another culture, and write a Cinderella story about individuals in that location.  

Electronic Resources:
o   Electronic version of book
o   Electronic Prezi presentation on culture and book summary

Mehta, L. Anklet for a Princess: a Cinderella Story from India. (2002). China: Shen’s Books.

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